Prohibited Items in the valley of the Seven Stars
**Prohibited items will be refused upon entry and must be returned to the attendee’s vehicle, disposed of by the patron, or may be confiscated at security’s discretion.**
NO weapons of any kind or anything resembling guns, knives, ammunition, pepper spray, mace, explosives, etc.
NO fireworks, explosives, sky lanterns, flares
NO open flames, candles, charcoal
NO grills (except small Coleman-style camp stoves)
NO external fuel sources (gas, diesel, kerosene, gas cans)
NO drones, remote-controlled devices
NO glass (mirrors are allowed)
NO kegs (beer & liquor limits may apply)
NO illegal substances
NO nitrous oxide
NO large sound systems
NO unauthorized solicitation, vending, handbills, posters, giveaways
NO unauthorized merchandise
NO golf clubs
NO tiki torches
NO skateboards, scooters, or other personal transportation devices (with the exception of bikes - see FAQs)
NO ATVs or bikes with motors
NO flow toys that light on fire
NO hammers, power tools, gas-powered tools
NO helium tanks
NO boats or hard-sided floatation devices
NO large markers, paint pens, spray paint
NO One Wheels
NO American Indian headdresses
NO Confederate flags
NO threatening or offensive signs/apparel
Prohibited Items in the Venue
NO outside food, beverages, alcohol
NO professional cameras, audio/video recording equipment
NO framed or large backpacks, coolers, picnic baskets
NO tents, canopies, shade structures
NO hammocks, inflatable furniture
NO chairs, beach chairs, lawn furniture
NO bicycles, skateboards, scooters, wagons, carts, personal motorized vehicles
NO umbrellas
NO kites
NO laser pointers
NO tents
NO frisbees
NO balloons
NO inflatable balls
NO chains, spiked jewelry, body armor
NO aerosol products (including sunscreen)
NO stuffed animals, massagers, personal IT equipment (PCs, laptops, tablets)
NO pets (except service animals)
Allowed Items in the Venue
💫 Bags, backpacks, purses, handbags (12" x 6" x 12" or smaller) (see Venue Bag Policy for all details)
💫 Binoculars
💫 Blankets, towels (50" x 70" or smaller)
💫 Cameras (non-professional digital, disposable, Polaroid, film)
💫 Chapstick, lip balm
💫 Dancing shoes
💫 Hoola hoops
💫 Earplugs
💫 Eye drops, contact lens solution
💫 Face masks (PPE, non-costume)
💫 Fanny packs & hip bags
💫 GoPros (no poles or extenders)
💫 Gum/mints (sealed)
💫 Hand sanitizer
💫 Handheld fans (battery-operated & folding fans)
💫 Inhalers
💫 Glow sticks, LED gloves
💫 Flags, totems (see Totem Policy)
💫 Lighters
💫 Hats
💫 Hydration packs (see Venue Bag Policy)
💫 Hydration, electrolyte packets (factory-sealed, single-serving)
💫 Makeup
💫 Face paint
💫 Mobile phone chargers
💫 Poster tubes (cardboard only)
💫 Prescription medication & dietary restrictions (name must match ID)
💫 Breast pumps (manual, battery-operated, or powered devices)
💫 Breastmilk, formula & storage canisters (plastic or metal)
💫 Service animals (see Accessibility page)
💫 Sunscreen (non-aerosol, 3.4 oz or less)
💫 Sunglasses
💫 Water bottles (empty, plastic, 64oz or less – no metal, glass, aluminum, steel)
💫 Water misters (plastic, personal-size only, empty)